Keep your capital and protect your estate from inheritance tax

As your estate grows so does the potential inheritance tax bill. What steps can you take to minimise tax while keeping hold of your underlying wealth? IHT-effective gifts The simplest way for someone to reduce their estate for IHT purposes is for them to pass their wealth to their beneficiaries by making gifts during their lifetime. However, the maximum that an individual can give away to others entirely exempt from…  Read more

Tax on directors’ salary, dividends and perks

The taxation of dividends and benefits in kind has changed significantly in recent times. So if you’re considering taking more income from your company, which should you choose for maximum tax efficiency? Topping up your income Choosing tax and NI-efficient types of income to draw from your company can make a big difference to its worth to you. As a rule of thumb, salary in excess of the NI threshold…  Read more

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